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To the Official Authorized International Distributor of Dr. Miller's Miracle Tea, and other all-natural products from his Health & Wellness Center. Shop for Holy Tea here.

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A personal note from Joanne: A healthy you is the best gift you'll give to those you love.

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Here at Doctor Miller's Tea we can help you shed unwanted weight as well as become a healthier, happier you. You've heard of the Milk Thistle, Hoodia and Green Tea diet suppressants, well it all begins here with Doctor Miller's Miracle Tea and YouTHIN. Check out more information throughout our website and gather insight on how and why these products work. Don’t miss the Before and After page for real-life results and testimonies.

Based on a Medicinal Herb Called Milk Thistle Used For 2000 Years, This amazing cleansing tea has been used successfully for almost 30 years. Formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (Ph.D. Nutritional Science) of Jackson, Tennessee is a unique herbal blend of safe, all-natural ingredients designed to gently cleanse the digestive tract and detoxify the body. Whether you are looking to lose weight or conquer health issues relating to stomach distress, we can help when everything else has failed. Before you take Qnexa or Qsymia try the natural way with DMT products. Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns.



Holy Tea, formulated by Bill Miller, Ph. D., is a unique blend of all natural ingredients which has been used with great results for over 20 years.

YouTHIN Plans™
Choose the YouTHIN Plan that best fits your lifestyle. Each pill focuses on an important part of weight loss. YouThin Plan, YouTHIN Plan Ultra or YouTHIN Plan NV.

A total body cleansor. Not a mask like other so-called Detox drinks.

Each Gelcap contains: Choline, Inositol, Lecithin, L-Methionine & Phosphatidyl Serine.


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